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ScienceDirect is home to almost one-quarter of the world's peer-reviewed full-text scientific, technical and medical content. Over 15 million researchers, health care professionals, teachers, students and information professionals around the globe rely on ScienceDirect as a trusted source of nearly 2,500 journals and more than 26,000 book titles. ScienceDirect supports research and education with interactive elements in articles such as audio, video, graphs, tables and images, and offers tools so users can keep current with research trends. Content on ScienceDirect also features embedded links to external datasets, including earth and environmental science data from PANGAEA, abstract and indexing data from Scopus and chemical reactions data from Reaxys. With over 12.6 million content pieces available—including pre-publication articles and open access content from Elsevier journals—ScienceDirect is a premier platform for discovering the world of research.

Who uses ScienceDirect

Researchers, Teachers, Students

Your work matters, and you need resources that are efficient and effective. ScienceDirect features sophisticated search and retrieval tools, as well as content integrated from a variety of external sources, to help you go beyond search so you can focus on your research, teaching or studies.

Librarians & Information Professionals

Your patrons depend on you to provide them with the most current and trusted resources available. Whether your library serves an academic institution, research institute, government agency, hospital or business, you can feel confident that ScienceDirect will meet—and exceed—your patrons' expectations. Plus ScienceDirect supports you with tools, reports, training materials and more.

Research & Development

To succeed in a corporate lab, you need to deliver innovative technologies ahead of the competition. To help you, look to ScienceDirect, an information solution that empowers corporate researchers with the tools and content required to drive better research decisions – efficiently and effectively.